want to get involved?

join our list!

**We aren’t actively hiring volunteers at this time, but we are quickly growing and would love to create a list of amazing folks who are eager to jump in if we need some extra hands. Our next issue’s submissions close on December 15th, and we will have a better idea of what we need then. Feel free to drop us a line and add yourself to the list in the meantime! We are always so excited to meet the amazing creators in our communities.

We are looking for editors, designers, voice actors, sensitivity readers, event hosts, social media gurus, and more! If you have skills that you think would be helpful, whether that’s stuffing envelopes, putting up flyers, or just spreading the word, let us know and we will add you to our roster.

We will be reaching out periodically to folks on this list when we have specific tasks that need doing (for instance, having more readers for shortlisting submissions). Some of this work might be paid (for instance, contract voice acting for audio works).

We are especially looking for trans, nonbinary and BIPOC folks to join our team.

All long-term positions at Eavesdrop are volunteer at this time, but we hope to be hiring for paid positions soon.